Homework for Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Obama’s Time In Office; What Most People Don’t Know; Longer Read On Obama’s Accomplishments With A Lousy Congress;
Putin And Assad; Russia And Assad Two Murdering Butchers; Why Russia Wants Assad In Power; Russia’s Cyber War On The USA. And So Much More.


Homework for Monday, December 19, 2016

Electoral College Votes Today – Meet 6 Faithless Electors; Votes Are Counted On January 6 – And Yes Trump Will Be President; The Trump Grill;
The Goldman Sachs Cabinet; Rex Tillerson Is The Director Of A Russian Oil Company;
Trump Will Violate The Constitution On Inauguration Day – By Constitutional Law Scholar Laurence Tribe. And So Much More.


Homework for Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Russia Story Is Not About Hillary Clinton; How Russia Can Now Blackmail Trump; Trump’s Dangerous Diss Of The CIA; Michael Flynn Shared State Secrets Without Permission; GOP Law Prevents Trump From Keeping His Businesses; The Trump Cabinet – A Halfway House For Spousal Abusers? Trump Picks Gary Cohen Another Goldman Sachs Guy For National Economic Council. And So Much More.


Homework for Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Trumps Relationship With Russia What We Know; Private Empire – Exxon Mobil; Rex Tillerson’s Disdain For The State Department
Steve Coll; Rick Perry To Be Secretary Of Energy. And So Much More.


Homework for Monday, December 12, 2016

Putin Wins U.S. Election; CIA: Russia Tried To Help Trump; Entire Intelligence Community Fears Trump Will Retaliate; Comey Should Resign;
The Drumbeats Of War – With China; China To Trump – One China Policy Is Bedrock And Can Not Be Used In Any Negotiation; Trump Risks War With China;
Militarization At Home Too. And So Much More


Homework for Friday, December 9, 2016

Hillary Speaks And It’s About Fake News; Trump Will Be Executive Producer Of The Apprentice On NBC; What The Koch Brothers Want; New Labor Secretary Puzder Stole Fast Food Workers Wages And Beat His Wife; Puzder Cited For Wage Theft; Trumps Cabinet So Far – Here Are All The Picks. And So Much More.


Homework for Thursday, December 8, 2016

Steelworkers Union Chief Twitter Attacked By Trump And Supporters And Then His Phone Started Ringing; Trump Uses Chinese Steel For His Buildings;
Japanese Billionaires U.S. Investment Includes Saudi’s Desire To Own Our Telecoms; Dylan Roof Trial – The Dead Appear In Court; Comet Ping Pong Shooter ‘Went About It The Wrong Way’. Jill Stein Is Passionate About Auditing The Vote. And So Much More.


Homework for Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Obama No Waterboarding Or Torture; Trump Stop Toppling Foreign Regimes; Why Michael Flynn Is So Dangerous; White Supremacist Richard Spencer Protested Hard At Texas A&M; Richard Spencer Gets ‘em While They’re Young; Disgraced FBI Agent Guandolo Makes The Rounds On Right Wing Radio; Union At Carrier Plant – Trump Lied His Ass Off; Carrier Will Automate; Trump Is Winging It. And So Much More.


Homework for Tuesday, December 6, 2016

General Michael Flynn And Son Tweet About Comet Pizza And Ping Pong; Comet Pizza And Ping Pong Get Threats…man With A Gun In Comet Ping Pong And Pizza; Pizza Gate Is A Lie But What It Says About Us Is True; Trump Cancels Boeing Contract With A Tweet; Michigans Broken Voting Machines Mean Hand Counts Or Nothing; Texas Gop Elector Will Not Vote For Trump; Another Texas Elector Resigns Rather Than Vote For Trump. And So Much More.


Homework for Monday, December 5, 2016

Standing Rock. Here Are The Phone Numbers For Energy Transfer Partners – Bottom Of Press Release; Only 27% Of Adults Voted For Trump; Cross Check Kept Hundreds Of Thousands From Voting; The Gazillionaire Cabinet So Far; Wilbur Ross The Bankruptcy King/Rothschilds. And So Much More.