Homework 05-15-17 Why Last Week Was Such A YUGE Deal

The firing of FBI Director James Comey was a YUGE deal. The Lester Holt interview will prove to be Trump’s Kryptonite. Feeling the heat, Trump tweets that Comey better hope there are no “tapes” of their White House Dinner, while Comey tells those close to him he hopes there are. Either way, any tapes Trump may have made belong to the people and Trump now has to come clean. Either there are tapes that must be released or admit you tried to Intimidate a Witness in an open investigation.


Homework 05-12-17 When Will The GOP Start Being Americans?

The Comey/Trump Dinner; Trump Threatens Comey On Twitter; Rod Rosenstein ‘Can’t Work In An Environment Where Facts Are Not Accurately Reported.’ Senate Intel Chair/Vice Chair Meet With Rosenstein; Rosenstein Will Meet With All Senators Next Week; When Will The GOP Start Being Americans?


The Randi Rhodes Show 05-11-17

Guest: Richard W. Painter. Prof. of law at the University of MN was the chief White House ethics lawyer for Pres. George W. Bush from ’05 to ’07. Currently, serve as vice chairman of CREW. ALSO: Twitter Account Rogue Potus Claims To Have Recordings Of Trump Putin Asks Trump To Meet Lavrov – Russian News Agency …


Homework 05-11-17 THIS IS A COUP

New Shows Daily! Homework and Free Video Clip  Homework and first segment here FREE. To hear the entire show daily subscribe to our …