Homework 02-06-17 Trump Attacks ‘So Called Judge’ Of Course, In A Tweet; White House Files Appeal – Denied; Anti-Fascist Protestors; John Yoo: Trump Has Gone Too Far

What A Weekend – Trump Attacks ‘So Called Judge’ Of Course, In A Tweet; White House Files Appeal – Denied; Oral Arguments Today; Author Of Torture Memos John Yoo: Trump Has Gone Too Far; Amerika; New Yorkers Erase Subway Swastikas With Hand Sanitizer; Bots And Cyborgs Are Tweeting For Trump; Anti-fascist Protestors. And So Much More:


Homework 02-03-17 Next Deregulate Wall Street By Executive Order; Trump’s Religious Nationalism; Milo Starts Scholarship For White Men; Bannon Is A Full-Blown Disaster;

Trump Executive Order Generator – Make Your Own And Tweet; Trump’s Black History Month Daily Event Planner; Milo Starts Scholarship For White Men;
Don’t Be Infiltrated; Trump’s Religious Nationalism; Jewish Community Centers Face Third Round Of Violence; Bannon Is A Full-Blown Disaster; This Is Torture
New Deputy CIA Director Ran A Black Site Torture Chamber In Thailand; And It Was All On Videotape – Until It Was Destroyed. And So Much More:


Homework 02-02-17 “The Family” Organizes Prayer Breakfast; Discrimination Is Rampant; Do You Have To Be Christian To Be Truly American? 1/3 Of U.S. Thinks So

Prayer Breakfast – “The Family” Organizes Prayer Breakfast; Discrimination Is Rampant; Do You Have To Be Christian To Be Truly American? 1/3 Of U.S. Thinks So; Leaked Draft Of New Trump Order Legalizing Discrimination; Leninists In Charge; Bannon Why Let Them In At All? (Audio); Bannon Builds Secret Cabinet With Jared Kushner And General Flynn; I Know Refugees Are Vetted Because I Vetted Them; Gorging On Power; A White House Without Any Integrity Or Ability Gorges On Power. And So Much More:


Homework for Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump: The Liar In Chief; Democrats Boycott; The Dissent Channel; Authors Of The Muslim Ban – White Nationalists; Bannon Wants To ‘Destroy The State’; Sally Yates Will Not Defend Muslim Ban; Monday Night Massacre – Sally Yates Fired; Jeff Sessions The Man Behind This Shock And Awe; Nixons Saturday Night Massacre; New ICE Head Signals Deportations Are Coming. And So Much More:


Homework for Monday, January 30, 2017

What A Mess! Trump Gives Bannon Seat At The Intel Table While Kicking Out Intelligence Community – Something Bad Is Going To Happen; Green Card Holders And Refugees Detained For Deportation; Judge Overturns Deportations; Helping ISIS; Canadian Mosque Shooting; Texas Mosque Fire Hours After Trumps Executive Order; Protests At JFK And LAX. Trump Doesn’t Know What He’s Doing. And So Much More:


Homework for Friday, January 27, 2017

Gaslighting; A Week Of Trump: White Nationalist Steve Bannon: Media Should Shut Up; White House Sows Confusion; Week One: Piss Off All Of Our Allies;
Mexico’s Economy; Fire All The Career People At The State Department; Suspend Refugee Program; In These 6 Cities Wars Against Illegals Didn’t Go So Well;
Keystone Is A Canada First Project. And So Much More:


Homework for Thursday, January 26, 2017

What Would It Take To Build The Wall? President Pena Nieto ‘Mexico Will Not Pay For The Wall”; Trump Knows There Was Voter Fraud And None Of The 3-5 Million Votes Were For Him??? Mike Pompeo Says Torture If Congress Votes For It; NY Times – When A Lie Is A Lie.
The Wall And Deportations. And So Much More:


Homework for Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Fourth Estate – The Press Should Stop Attending White House Briefings; Information Ban Issued; National Parks Department Defies Trumps Twitter Ban; 6 Journalists Arrested For Covering Trump Inauguration; We Have A Crazy Man In The Oval; Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims – Here Are The Facts; Trump Orders Major Investigation Into The Voter Fraud That Happened In His Head. Obstruct! Resist! And So Much More:


Homework for Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The White House In Chaos – Sean Spicer I Believe We Have To Be Honest But Sometimes We Disagree With Facts; Trump Furious In The White House…No One Believes He’s Really The President; Without Evidence Trump Says 3-5 Million Voted Illegally Against Him. And So Much More: