Homework 02-23-17 Trump Is About To Cost Us 5 Trillion; Paul Ryan – Repeal Obamacare And You’ll Be Free (Yeah To Die)

Transgender Reversal Cruel; Mexico Slams Trumps Immigration Plan; Trump Is About To Cost Us 5 Trillion; Paul Ryan – Repeal Obamacare And You’ll Be Free (Yeah To Die); Flashback – Rubio Killed High-risk Corridor Payments And Crushed Obamacare; Another; Town Halls Are Not Full Of Professional Protestors; North Carolina Meeting ‘Can’t We Kill The Hell Out Of ‘Em?”


Homework 02-22-17 Trump Attacks Town Hall Protesters; A Nation Of Immigrants Begins A Dark Chapter

Trump Attacks Town Hall Protestors – Meanwhile Here Are The People Who Made The Most With The Tea Party Astroturf Movement; 10 Point Plan To Make Trump Toast Again; Mass Deportations; Is It A Crime To Be Here Unlawfully? This Is Not Our Country: A Nation Of Immigrants Begins A Dark Chapter; Police Should Not Have More Authority When They Abuse Their Communities. And So Much More:


Homework 02-21-17 We Are Dangerously Unprepared For A Terrorist Attack; CIA Analyst Quits Because Of Trump

Hundreds Of Jewish Graves Desecrated; Ivanka Tweets About Tolerance; Meet Sebastian Gorka – He Used To Work At Breitbart And Now He’s A Senior WH Advisor!!
Michael Anton Posted In A Fashion Blog… How To Make A Dirty Bomb; Terror And Chaos; We Are Dangerously Unprepared For A Terrorist Attack; New National Security Advisor McMasters Is Going To Have A Rough Time; CIA Analyst Ned Price Quits Because Of Trump. And So Much More:


Homework 02-20-17 Trump Campaign And Russia; Deportation Forces Being Assembled

Five Things To Watch This Week; The Trump Campaign And Russia; Russia Hacks French Election; Trump Rallies;
Trump Supporters Think There’s A Swedish Coverup; Trump’s Attempt To Undermine Reality; Psychological Warfare Is Here; Trump’s Infowar; Deportation Forces Being Assembled – Read DHS Instructions For Removal. And So Much More:


Homework 02-17-17 #NationalStrike! Trump Considers Mobilizing 100,000 National Guard Troops To Round Up Immigrants

National Strike! Congress Goes Home… Go For It!!! Unhinged: Fact Checks – Trump’s Very Strange Lie-filled Press Conference; Trump Considers Mobilizing 100,000 National Guard Troops To Round Up Immigrants; Flynn Told FBI He Did Not Talk To Russia About Sanctions; Admiral Harward Turns Trump Down Due To The Dysfunction In The Administration; 6 White House Aides Dismissed After Failing Background Checks. And So Much More:


Homework 02-16-17 #Protest A Day Without Immigrants: National Strike Planned; White Supremacy Makes A Comeback On Campus

#Protest A Day Without Immigrants: National Strike Planned; White Supremacy Makes A Comeback On Campus; Southern Poverty Law Center – Hate On The Rise; Trump Needs Love…Rally In Melbourne, FL This Weekend; Bookstores Become Home Base For Resistance; Epa Using Encrypted Messages; Spy V Spy, Obama Increased Surveillance Powers On His Way Out. And So Much More:


Homework 02-15-17 Cluster F@#K! Trump Campaign Had Repeated Contacts With Russia During The Campaign; The Darkening Cloud Over Trump

Cluster F@#K! Trump Campaign Had Repeated Contacts With Russia During The Campaign; The Darkening Cloud Over Trump; AG Sessions Won’t Recuse Himself; Jeff Sessions Conflict Of Interest; What Did Trump Know…and When? House Wants To Move On – Senate Not So Much; Lockheed Executive Admiral Harward Considering Replacing Flynn – Don’t Do It, Sir!


Homework 02-10-17 General Michael Flynn Caught Talking To Russia About Sanctions Prior To Election Despite Denials

Stay On Muslim Ban – Read The Court’s Decision Here; 7 Key Takeaways From The Decision; Confirmed Anti-Medicare, Obamacare, Medicaid, Contraception, Abortion, Self-Dealer Tom Price Confirmed To HHS; Russia – Flynn – Comey – General Michael Flynn Caught Talking To Russia About Sanctions Prior To Election Despite Denials;
Trump Needs To Ask “What Is The Start Treaty” In Call With Russia. And So Much More: